Government Health Organizations
Government Health Organizations deliver essential health services to Medicare and Medicaid beneficiaries, active & retired military, and other public constituencies. We provide a modern population health management platform that saves these organizations time and money, and enables a greater focus on quality care.

what we do
Quality Care For Military & Other Government Health Programs
Our comprehensive, configurable population health management solutions enable end-to-end management of clinical cases specific to the US military or to populations supported by other government programs.

Medicare & Medicaid
Zyter|TruCare provides a broad array of population health management solutions to many Medicare Advantage plans and Managed Medicaid plans across our 45 client plans. Specific applications range across our entire solution portfolio, including:
- Population Health
- Virtual Health
- Connected Health
- Medication Management
- Appeals and Grievances

Department of Defense
Extends our population health offering with remote patient monitoring, telehealth, and omnichannel communication capabilities on a single platform.
- Medical Disability Examination management – end-to-end platform for scheduling, examination support, reporting and QC/QI – 200,000 annual cases
- National Emergency Tele-Critical Care Network (NETCCN) – virtual critical care wards, including secure clinical communications, consults and RPM
- Naval Medical Center, San Diego (NMCSD) – secure clinical communications
- TRICARE – care, case and disease management
Find out more about we can do for your organization
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client benefits
Modern yet affordable tech stack
- Affordable Solutions
- Better Healthcare Access
- Quality In-Home Care
- Community Experience